Monday, June 01, 2009

Drive Savers news June 2009

American Idol Judge rules: "DriveSavers Rocks!"
Thousands of American Idol fans are likely to be suffering withdrawals, now that their favorite show has wrapped up and the new idol has been crowned.Throughout the season, new judge, Kara DioGuardi, kept busy with her laptop collecting photos; working on songs and emailing her associates. But like all good things, her hard drive's life came to an abrupt end. Yet, even with severe media damage, DriveSavers rocked the American Idol judge with our fast turnaround time and unparalleled customer service.
DriveSaver-Coming soon to an iPhone near you!
This summer DriveSavers will launch the first and only hard drive simulator for iPhone and iPod touch. Known as DriveSaver, the free hard disk drive simulator features a virtual environment that allows you to explore the inner workings of a common hard drive. It simulates various types of hard disk failures using ultra-realistic sounds and visuals and includes essential backup and data loss prevention tips.DriveSaver is a fantastic demonstration tool to help illustrate hard drive data storage technology. It's educational, it's functional and . . . it's fun! It might even help you identify problems with a bad hard drive. Anyone who has ever wanted to see inside a hard drive or learn how drives work and why they fail, must try it! As a reseller partner, you'll be one of the first to be notified when it is available for download from the iTunes store.
DriveSavers White Paper Reveals Lapses in Data Security with Third-Party Vendors
At the top of every IT professional's priority list these days is data security; and to address the issue, DriveSavers has published a white paper that explores the topic in an entirely new way. Using data from a 2007 survey conducted by the Poneman Institute, the comprehensive document identifies data security breaches by third-party vendors outside the control of IT professionals and corporate CIOs. This white paper outlines trends and facts behind digital data loss and examines the increasing financial costs, regulatory penalties, productivity losses and customer loyalty risks associated with a breach in data security. It also provides data security standards and protocols that every data recovery provider should uphold to preserve the integrity of critical data during the data recovery process. Download your own copy of the PDF version at:
TechTalk: What's a Head Crash and How Does it Affect Data Recovery?It's a fact that DriveSavers has the highest success rate recovering lost data, but there are a percentage of drives we receive that are not recoverable. The causes are varied, but the most consistent symptom is media damage caused by a head crash-a situation where the drive's read/write heads have collided with the disk platter and scraped off the magnetic coating and data. A head crash frequently leads to a disappointed customer with tough questions for you to answer. What is a head crash and what causes it to occur?
For most desktop hard drives, a head crash can develop over time simply through normal use. Whenever a drive is powered off or loses power, the drive actuator (the arm where the read/write heads are mounted) moves to a special landing zone located at the inner diameter of the platter where the heads come to rest. A great deal of friction is created when the read/write heads touch the platter's surface as the drive spins down. Over time, the constant friction causes damage to the heads and the media surface on the inner diameter can be destroyed. Other portions of the platter surface will be destroyed if the hard drive continues to operate.When it comes to laptop hard drives, manufacturers have addressed the issue of friction by designing special off-platter parking systems that allow the read/write head armature to move off the platter during shut down, sleep, standby or hibernate mode. But, laptop hard drives certainly aren't immune to head crashes and in many ways are more susceptible to damage if the computer is bumped or jarred during transport while running.Symptoms of a head crash include repeated spinning up and spinning down of the drive and clicking or grinding sounds. Listen to samples of these sounds on our website at:, that if a customer's hard drive exhibits any of these symptoms and they need data recovery, contact DriveSavers immediately. In our experience, the more attempts made to recover data from a media-damaged hard drive, the lower the chances will be for success, even for experienced DriveSavers engineers. If your customer has vital data they need recovered, always offer DriveSavers as the best solution. Your customer will thank you!
TestimonialI just wanted to let you and everyone at DriveSavers know how amazing I think you all are. I received my hard drive in the mail this morning even though your engineers had only finished the recovery process yesterday afternoon. From Cali to Louisiana overnight!Of the thousands and thousands of files on my drive, 97% were recovered, and I've already checked and found that all of the important stuff I needed is there! I was starting to lose my sanity and my health was suffering from the stress of losing all of this important information, but you all gave me my sanity back. I called multiple times to check in on my drive and surely, I bothered the customer service agents, but I definitely didn't get that vibe from them-nothing but calming words and happy attitudes from your wonderful staff. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. If I lived in Cali, I would bake you all cookies and give you all hugs. You can never understand how much you have helped me.Kim Boyd:)

WEBSITE: www.drivesaversdatarecovery.comTOLLFREE: 800.440.1904DATA RECOVERY: recovery@drivesavers.comRESELLER SUPPORT: reseller@drivesavers.comREORDER SUPPLIES: TO THE EDITOR: resellernews@drivesavers.comFOLLOW US ON TWITTER:
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