Thursday, July 30, 2009

Verizon DSL -New York Long Beach Area & Parts of Maryland

DSL was down for few days in parts of Long Beach, NY ...
Client called about no Internet , but modem was up and Router was up...

Call Verizon to find hardware failure and replacing a network node on servers...

Service was restored....

Always check your internet carriers before you call your computer guy

Black Berry Email Issues....

Blackberry Email missing....

Few Clients stop receiving emails to blackberry device over last few days....

Spoke to Rim Level 2 support - we found that you would have to delete email acct and and reactivate account to start to receive email again on device....

Very weird no answers... Why?

Spoke to Hosting Company and Spoke to App River Spam filter Team...

Unknown issue......

No Outages reported....

Friday, July 03, 2009

Making a T1 Loop Back Tester on a Budge.....& Testing Instructions

Loop Back Instru

The T1 CSU/DSU has a pinout different from the four-wire 56K CSU/DSU. The connector for the T1 CSU/DSU is an RJ-48C. The connector for the four-wire 56k CSU/DSU is an RJ-48S. Both connectors are compatible with RJ-45 plugs.


Complete these steps to create a loopback plug for a T1 CSU/DSU:


Use wire cutters to create a working RJ-45 cable that is 5 inches long with an attached connector.


Strip the wires.


Twist the wires from pins 1 and 4 together.


Twist the wires from pins 2 and 5 together.


Leave the rest of the wires alone.


Complete these steps to create a loopback plug for a 56K CSU/DSU:


Use wire cutters to create a working RJ-45 cable that is 5 inches long with an attached connector.


Strip the wires.


Twist the wires from pins 1 and 7 together.


Twist the wires from pins 2 and 8 together.


Leave the rest of the wires alone.

Telco-Assisted Loopback Tests

Note: Refer to the Telco Assisted Loop to Router in the diagram above.

Use CSU/DSU tests to test the CSU/DSU, router, and cable that connects them (for an external CSU/DSU) on both sides of the circuit. If you can rule out a problem with them, involve the telco or provider. These loopback tests are done with the assistance of the telco, but are not done independently by the telco.

Note: These tests are not the same as the diagnostic or Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) testing on the line that the telco performs.

For these loopback tests, you must involve the telco since you are ask them to provide loopbacks towards your premises from the telco switches. Monitor the looped circuit from the router. In order to do this, you need to have the telco "split the circuit" at the telco switch closest to your router. For example, the telco must supply a loopback at the first telco switch that your circuit passes through, and loop that circuit back towards your router. In this way you can isolate the telco cloud of switches. You can then test only the portion of the circuit between the first telco switch and your CSU/DSU, SmartJack, and router.

Please refer to the Diagnostic Tests While in Loopback section for information on what you must verify while in loopback.

If you complete this "First Switch" testing, and prove it to run free of errors, perform the same procedure on the remote end of the circuit. The remote end is the router on the other side of the provider cloud. If the remote end is your Internet service provider (ISP), you must involve the ISP to help test this portion of the circuit.

Test the "First Switch" on both sides. If it is clean, you can use this information to indicate that the problem is within the telco cloud. The telco can investigate with their own testing of the circuit at this point. Alternatively the telco can continue the loopback testing with you. The telco can do this by backing off one switch at a time further into the telco cloud. At each switch, they should do a loopback towards the local router.

If "First Switch" tests indicate a problem in the circuit between the first telco switch and your router, the telco can help test that circuit portion. The telco can loop various equipment for diagnostic tests between the SmartJack that you connect your CSU/DSU to and the first telco switch. Bear in mind that, if you have an extended demarc, you should investigate it as a potential problem area. Extended demarcs, when done incorrectly, can produce errors on the line. Extended demarcs occur when the provider extends the original demarc point to a location closer to the customer equipment.

Diagnostic Tests While in Loopback

The best test to run while in any of the loopbacks described above is an extended ping. You should run this test and monitor the show interface serial command for errors on the interface.

Prepare for the Extended Ping Test

Complete these steps to prepare for the extended ping test:


Use the show interface serial command to verify that the router has HDLC encapsulation on the interface, and that the interface sees the loopback.

Here is an example of the first few lines of the output:

Router#show interface serial 0

Serial0 is up, line protocol is up (looped)

Hardware is HD64570

Internet address is, subnet mask is

MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255

Encapsulation HDLC, loopback set, keepalive set (10 sec)



Use the show running-config command to see if the interface has a unique IP address that is not shared with any other interface.

If the serial interface above does not have an IP address of its own, obtain a unique address and assign it to the interface.

Router(config-if)#ip address


Use the clear counters command to clear the interface counters.

For example:

Router#clear counters

Clear "show interface" counters on all interfaces [confirm]



Perform the extended ping test as described in the Perform Extended Ping Tests section.

Perform Extended Ping Tests

The ping command is a useful test available on Cisco internetworking devices as well as on many host systems. In TCP/IP, this diagnostic tool is also called an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request.

Note: The ping command is particularly useful when the show interfaces serial output registers high levels of input errors.

Cisco internetworking devices provide a mechanism to send many ping packets in sequence automatically.

Complete these steps to perform serial line extended ping tests:


Perform the extended ping test. To do so, complete these steps:


Type: ping ip


Target address = enter the IP address of the local interface to which IP address was just assigned


Repeat count = 50


Datagram size = 1500


Timeout = press ENTER


Extended cmds = yes


Source Address = press ENTER


Type of service = press ENTER


Set Df bit in ip header = press ENTER


Validate reply data = press ENTER


Data pattern: 0x0000


Press ENTER three times.

Notice that the ping packet size is 1500 bytes, and that we perform an all zeros ping (0x0000). Also, the ping count specification is set to 50. Therefore, in this case, fifty 1500 byte ping packets are sent out.

Here is a sample output:

Router#ping ip

Target IP address:

Repeat count [5]: 50

Datagram size [100]: 1500

Timeout in seconds [2]:

Extended commands [n]: yes

Source address or interface:

Type of service [0]:

Set DF bit in IP header? [no]:

Validate reply data? [no]:

Data pattern [0xABCD]: 0x0000

Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]:

Sweep range of sizes [n]:

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 50, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:

Packet has data pattern 0x0000


Success rate is 100 percent (50/50), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/8 ms



Perform additional extended ping tests with different data patterns.

For example:

Repeat step 1, but use a Data Pattern of 0x1111

Repeat step 1, but use a Data Pattern of 0xffff

Repeat step 1, but use a Data Pattern of 0xaaaa


Verify that all the extended ping tests were 100 percent successful.


Examine the show interface serial command output to determine whether input errors have increased.

If input errors have not increased, the local hardware (DSU, cable, router interface card) is probably in good condition. Also look for cyclic redundancy check (CRC), frame, or other errors. Look at the fifth and sixth line from the bottom of the show interface serial command output to verify this.

If all pings are 100 percent successful and input errors have not increased, the equipment in this portion of the circuit is probably in good condition. Move on to the next loopback test to be performed.


Remove the loopback from the interface. To do so, remove the loopback plug, the software loopback commands, or request the telco to remove their loopback. Then restore your router to the original setting.